There are many great reasons to join FOWL. Your membership helps us provide:
Books for children and adults
Audiobooks, CD’s, DVD’s and electronic resources
Funding for programs, music and speakers
Activities and programs for young people, including the Summer Reading Program
Passes for area zoo and museums
In 2023-2024:
donations from memberships and book sale proceeds helped us fund 75% of the Westport Library's collection materials and resources including picture books, fiction and nonfiction children's and young adult books, adult fiction and nonfiction books, magazines and newspapers as well as library access.
FOWL dollars also purchased furniture for the children, adult and teen reading areas as well as additional play sets and materials for children's programs.
FOWL funded the purchase of seeds for the Library's Seed Catelog:
FOWL sponsored the following 2024 programs:
Toe Jam Puppet Band
Birds of Prey - Raptors Lecture
Mad Science - Marvels of Motion
Atwater-Donnelly Trio Music Performance
Mystery Making - Sisters in Crim
In 2024 the following museum passes were purchased by FOWL for use by Library patrons:​
Boston Museum of Science
Buttonwood Park Zoo
Children's Museum of Greater Fall River
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
Massachusetts State Parks Pass
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Museum of Science, Boston
New Bedford Whaling Museum
New England Aquarium, Boston

Become a Member/Renew
It's time to renew or join for 2024, so donate now Online or by check payable to "Friends of Westport Library" and mail to:
P.O. Box 3342
Westport, MA 02790