“How far that little candle throws his beam! So shines a good deed in a weary world”.
~ William Shakespeare
October marks the beginning of FOWL’s 2023 membership drive with mailings going out to our members by mid-month. If you are a FOWL member, your generous support, along with that of our sponsors whose ads populate the FOWL newsletter, make everything we do for our Library and the community possible. If you are not yet a member, we hope that your appreciation of our Library will inspire you to join our flock for 2023.
2022 has been a very productive year for FOWL, with over $45,000.00 and hundreds of hours devoted to programs, museum passes, and capital improvements, in addition to the critical expenditures for collection materials, delivery services and technology.
This year, we have added the option to join or renew on line by clicking on the Become a Member/Renew page above. It is easy and secure. Checks and cash remain welcome as well and membership forms are available at the library. Every member and every dollar make a difference. Thank you for your generosity to FOWL and to helping its beam of light shine brightly.
~ Denise Micale
President, Friends of the Westport Library